Author page: orionivfpune

What is IVF Embryo Transfer, Pregnancy Rates, and Delivery Rates?

Embryo Transfer orion ivf treatment center wakad

(IVF Treatment) The final stage of the in vitro fertilization procedure is embryo transfer. It is an extremely vital procedure. No matter how wonderful the IVF laboratory culture environment is, a badly executed embryo transfer could ruin everything. The entire fertility treatment (IVF cycle) is reliant on embryos being precisely positioned around the center of the endometrial cavity with very…

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Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH)

By Dr.Parag Hitnalikar Hello! Today I would like to discuss AMH or the Anti-Mullerian hormone with you. Alright! Let us first clarify what Anti-Mullerian Hormone is. It is a naturally occurring chemical structure in our bodies, which is a protein generated by cells in your ovarian follicles. A high level of AMH suggests that you have a lot of egg-containing follicles, which…

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What is the right age for IVF?

Orion IVF Center

As men and women continue to experience serious infertility challenges throughout the world, modern times have seen the unexpected emergence of a myriad of infertility instances. Infertility difficulties affect males just as much as they do women. As a result, couples have the choice of choosing several forms of fertility treatment based on their individual infertility problem. Whereas most women…

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Has anyone died from IVF?

Orion IVF Center

IVF procedures are quite safe, and most women are no more likely to have health or pregnancy concerns than women who have conceived naturally. Although, there are some concerns to be aware of, ranging from little discomfort to severe conditions. Learn about all of the risks and what to look out for in order to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Maternal…

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Benefits of IVF Treatment


Inside the domain of infertility, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is often seen as a “final option.” For many couples who suffer from infertility or for whom normal conception and pregnancy aren’t alternatives such as same-sex couples or women with infertility diagnoses that prohibit sperm and egg from meeting via non-assisted techniques — IVF treatment can be the first and most…

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