Poor eggs reserve, which is also known in other names such as poor ovarian reserve (POR) and diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), affects the fertility of a woman. It happens when a woman’s ovary becomes incapable of reproduction. When a woman has poor egg reserve, the quality and
number of her egg is lower than expected at her age. The can be varied from woman to woman. The main causes of poor ovarian reserve are aging, some medical treatments, genetic abnormalities and injury.
Normally physicians use ultrasound imaging and hormone tests to evaluate the ovarian reserve of women. The process of poor eggs reserve cannot be stopped by any treatment, but assisted reproductive technologies can be used to achieve pregnancy in women with a lower number of eggs or low egg quality.
Aging naturally reduces your egg reserves. However, a number of other factors can cause
diminished ovarian reserve. These include:
- Genetic abnormalities
- Tubal disease
- Endometriosis
- Chemotherapy
- Prior ovarian surgery
- Radiation therapy
- Cigarette smoking.
- Pelvic infection
- Mumps
10.Autoimmune disorders
Age is the main determining factor of the average number of eggs in ovarian reserve of a woman. While the woman is in utero, her eggs are formed, which means a woman is borne with all eggs that she will ever have. From that moment, her eggs reserve starts to decrease over time.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says about the average number of eggs a woman has at each age.
20weeks of gestation: 6 to 7 million oocytes
a. Birth: 1 to 2 million oocytes
b. Puberty: 300,000 to 500,000 oocytes
c.Around age 37: roughly 25,000 oocytes
d. Around age 51: roughly 1,000 oocytes
It is evident that woman with poor eggs reserve will have fewer egg count while woman with normal ovarian reserve will have normal count.
We test the ovarian reserve by clinical radiological and hormonal evaluation. It is an indirect method of evaluation hence exact number of eggs remaining in the ovary cannot be estimated.
Although there are no much noticeable symptoms for poor egg reserve, those with condition
may experience with the following symptoms.
a. Late or absent menstrual periods
b. Difficulty getting pregnant
c. Heavy menstrual flow
d.Shorter menstrual cycles than average
e. Miscarriage
As these symptoms are not always present, it is very important to consult your doctor if you find
difficulty in conceiving.
Diagnosis of diminished ovarian reserve
It is very important to do fertility test early if you are facing difficulty with conceiving or if you have a history of painful or irregular periods, repeated miscarriages, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and prior cancer treatment. You will have a successful treatment if you get an early diagnosis. If you are a woman under the age of 35 and finding it difficult to get conceived over a year, you should see a doctor as early as possible. If you are aged over 35 and have the same issue, you will have to consult the doctor in earliest. And, if your age is over 40 and wanted to conceive, it is better to consult your doctor right away.
The condition is diagnosed by doing some blood tests that measure anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones have important roles to play in reproduction and menstruation. As you age, it is natural to drop the AMH levels and increase FSH levels. Compared to others of their age, women with poor eggs reserve will have lower AMH levels and higher FSH levels. So, it is very important assess these hormone levels.
Treatment of diminished ovarian reserve
With improved technology in medical treatments, it is still possible to get pregnant even with poor eggs reserve. Orion IVF center, Pune says that 33 percent of their patients with the condition of poor eggs reserve are getting pregnant with their own eggs after getting their effective treatment. They also emphasis that early diagnosis is very important to have better
chances of conceiving. Supplements like dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which is a mild androgen, is one of the best and most common treatments for poor eggs reserve. DHEA, which is produced naturally in the body, decreases its level with age. Fertility can be increased with DHEA supplements. Apart from DHEA supplements, there are also many other ways to get pregnant for those who have the condition. Healthy eggs can be frozen for future use if poor eggs reserve is diagnosed earlier. Even, your doctor may also suggest going with IVF immediately. Using donor eggs is another option to get pregnant. Eggs are retrieved from a donor in this case. Then the eggs will be fertilized through IVF and are implanted in your uterus. It is very important to talk to your fertility specialist regarding your condition and your options as the treatments are depend upon
individual situations. So, do not hesitate to consult a specialist to open up yourself if you have the condition.
Orion IVF Center, Pune
Although the poor eggs reserve us is discouraging, it is completely possible for a woman with the condition to get pregnant with donor eggs or your own eggs. Speak immediately with your doctor if you suspect difficulty in conceiving or have poor eggs deserve. This is what matters the most to have a child if you suspect you have the condition.
Orion IVF Center is the best IVF center in Pune with thousands of satisfied women, having a child through effective treatment. They are dedicated to making women to walk through the path of satisfaction and happiness by their effective IVF. They can provide you all the effective treatment to get you,r child. Analyzing your conditions, they can even tell and guide you with the best treatment that suits your condition. But everything starts with the early diagnosis of your condition. So, better consult a doctor today if you find a problem with conceiving.