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By Dr.Parag Hitnalikar

Hello! Today I would like to discuss AMH or the Anti-Mullerian hormone with you.

Alright! Let us first clarify what Anti-Mullerian Hormone is. It is a naturally occurring chemical structure in our bodies, which is a protein generated by cells in your ovarian follicles. A high level of AMH suggests that you have a lot of egg-containing follicles, which is beneficial if you want to get pregnant. AMH influences how effectively your ovaries will produce eggs.

Best Time For AMH Test

So, the next question that may come to mind is if there is a timeframe or preparation necessary to take an AMH diagnostic test.

No! There is no specific timeframe, treatment, or diet plan to follow to prepare for this test.

Why does the AMH count decrease?

Another leading question is what causes low levels of AMH. A low-level AMH can be caused by a number of factors. This can occur for a variety of reasons. Generally speaking, anything that limits egg development will result in low AMH. Age is the number one factor influencing egg count, as determined by AMH levels, and egg quality.

Low levels of AMH can also be caused by a diet high in processed foods and excess fat, their AMH levels will most likely change. There have also been studies that have demonstrated that vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin D, can alter AMH levels and hence fertility.

Medical history is another key factor that can contribute to lower AMH levels. If you are going through any serious medical condition then it can impact your AMH levels regardless of your age.

Stress is another factor that might contribute to low AMH levels. When you are attempting to conceive, a healthy mind and emotional well-being are always advantageous because it seems to be more difficult to conceive for someone who is under mental pressure/stress.

Ideal AMH Counts

So, another question that might come to your mind is if there is an ideal AMH level count. 

Before we explore that let’s bear in our mind that all of us are born with all of the follicles we will ever have. This implies that your AMH level will not increase over time.

Okay! Let’s discuss the AMH levels. There are 4 types of AMH level counts. The first one is Optimal AMH levels which are associated with increased fertility and better response rates to IVF and other fertility treatments.

Optimal4.00-6.80 ng/ml

The second one is Satisfactory AMH levels which basically means you are fine. It is the normal level that is required.

Satisfactory2.20-3.99 ng/ml

The third one is Low AMH levels which are associated with a decreased number of follicles, but you still have a good chance of getting pregnant – either naturally or through fertility treatment – especially if you have good-quality follicles.

Low 0.30-2.19 ng/ml

The last and final one is Very low AMH levels which is not good news. This level of count can limit your chances of conceiving severely.

Very Low0.0-0.29 ng/ml

Treatment Options

You may be wondering how to get pregnant if your values are low. Even if your results are low, there is a chance you can get pregnant. Let’s talk about it.

It is achieved using IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization. It is an assisted reproductive technology designed to boost a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant. If a woman has a low ovarian reserve, IVF is frequently a life-saving procedure. This is because IVF can assist you in conceiving even if you have a limited number of eggs remaining in your ovarian reserve. The sole need for IVF is that the developed egg harvested during the IVF cycle be of optimal quality, which means capable of conceiving.


So, as we have discussed some of the key factors concerning AMH, please ask me about your doubts and concerns regarding this topic in the comments. And in the future, I will come up with more videos to share my knowledge regarding your doubts and concerns. So, please consider liking this video and subscribing to this channel. Until next time! Thank You!

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